Spiritual Discernment
Maturity is measured by ones spiritual discernment. Through these various short chapters Watchman Nee tries to address this pressing need of today for spiritual discernment in the full knowledge of God.
Author: Watchman Nee
ISBN: 978-0-93500-891-3
eBook ISBN: 978-1-10207-486-1
CLC Publications is the official sales and distribution partner of CFP
Audiobooks;Books;Watchman Nee;E-Books;Paperback
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Listen to the prayer of the apostle Paul for his beloved church in Philippi: "this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and all discernment; so that ye may approve the things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and void of offence unto the day of Christ" (Phil. 1.9-10). What was it that inspired him to offer such a prayer for the dear saints in Philippi? Do we today desperately need the same prayer? We talk about love and fellowship, and yet we encounter many problems and failures. What is the missing link to a glorious church? Can it be the lack of "full knowledge and all perception that ye may prove [or, distinguish] the things that differ" (literal translation)? Certainly spiritual discernment is the pressing need of today. How can we obtain this full knowledge of God? Where do we get spiritual discernment that we may know the things which differ or are more excellent? These are the matters which brother Watchman Nee tried to address during his latter years of ministry. This present volume, entitled Spiritual Discernment is composed of three parts: Abound in Knowledge, Abound in Discernment, and Approve the Excellent. The Publishers were able to acquire these Notes in Chinese recently, and they have now been translated into English for sharing with the English-speaking saints.
Table of Contents
Part One: Abound In Knowledge
Chapter 1: The Spirit-Controlled Soul
Chapter 2: Risen from among the Dead
Chapter 3: The Ascent of the Soul
Chapter 4: Christ Is the Way
Chapter 5: The New Creation
Chapter 6: The Godly Have a Tender Spirit
Chapter 7: What Is God’s Word?
Chapter 8: How to Diagnose (or Discern)
Chapter 9: A Minister of the Word
Chapter 10: A Usable Spirit
Chapter 11: The Training of the Spirit
Part Two: Abound in Discernment
Chapter 1: How to Discern
Chapter 2: The Absoluteness of Truth
Chapter 3: How to Exercise Our Spirit
Part Three: Approve the Excellent
Chapter 1: A Wish
Chapter 2: An All-Round View of the Cross
Chapter 3: The Body of Christ
Chapter 4: An Undelivered Sermon