Gleanings in the Fields of Boaz
God gave such abundance of revelation and utterance to Watchman Nee that in his several decades of active ministry numerous messages were delivered by him, mostly in speaking and some in writing. Many of these precious messages have been translated and published in English either in books or booklets. Yet there were still sheaves left in the field waiting to be gleaned. These were too valuable to be lost. Hence, the compilation of the contents of this book.
Author: Watchman Nee
ISBN: 978-0-935008-68-5
eBook ISBN: 978-1-102074-44-1
CLC Publications is the official sales and distribution partner of CFP
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So rich were the fields of Boaz that even the gleanings from them were more than sufficient for the livelihood of Ruth and her mother-in-law, Naomi (see Ruth 2). God gave such abundance of revelation and utterance to Watchman Nee that in his several decades of active ministry numerous messages were delivered by him, mostly in speaking and some in writing. Many of these precious messages have been translated and published in English either in books or booklets. Yet there were still sheaves left in the field waiting to be gleaned. These were too valuable to be lost. Hence, the compilation of the contents of this book. The contents of the first part of the book have been gathered from the English notes of a beloved sister in Christ who is now with the Lord. She took down copious notes as she listened to the author during the years 1939-1940. Some of the messages from this ministry were already previously published in various books, but a number of them from this period were left untouched. These have now been grouped together in the present volume and edited further under the three general subtitles "Live by the Life of God," "We Died in Christ," and "God's Building." The second part, entitled "Pulled-Out Sheaves," is composed of two, thus far unpublished articles (the second of which has never appeared even in Chinese) together with the author's last exhortations to his fellow-workers at the conclusion of the Second Kuling Training Session (1949) and at a later time around 1950 or 1951. These are priceless. The third part is devoted to a collection of a few of the many letters written by the author which taken as a whole reveal him in a most intimate way as having been a faithful and choice servant of the Lord. They are invaluable. Into God's hand is now committed this book. May His richest blessing be upon all its readers.
Table of Contents
Part One: From The Ministry Of 1939-1940
1—Live by the Life of God
2—We Died in Christ
3—God’s Building
Part Two: Pulled-Out Sheaves
1—Watch and Be Sober
2—How Is Life Matured?
3—A Workman Who Need Not Be Ashamed
4—The Final Word
Part Three: A Few Letters
1—An Open Letter (January 1928)
2—A Personal Letter (December 19, 1929)
3—An Open Letter (March 12, 1930)
4—A Personal Letter (June 17, 1930)
5—A Personal Letter (February 28, 1931)
6—An Open Letter (March 23, 1933)