Discipled to Christ
The three chapters of this little volume illustrate through the life of Simon Peter the three principal aspects of Christian discipleship, namely: the call, the conditions, and the consolation of discipleship.
It is the person of the Lord Jesus to whom we are discipled- not to any system, organization, teaching or individual, but to one man and one man only, the Lord Jesus himself.
Author: Stephen Kaung
ISBN: 978-0-935008-17-3
eBook ISBN: 978-1-937713-11-9
CLC Publications is the official sales and distribution partner of CFP
Audiobooks;Books;Stephen Kaung;E-Books;Paperback
As seen in the life of Simon Peter, the call to discipleship comes to all believers in Christ. The word of the Lord to His own is, Come ye after Me. He intends to re-make us according to His image and to use us according to His purpose. Only in response to this call can we fulfill the destiny foreordained by God. To help us understand this exceedingly important subject, the three chapters of this little volume illustrate through the life of Simon Peter- the three principal aspects of Christian discipleship, namely: the call, the conditions, and the consolation of discipleship. It is the person of the Lord Jesus to whom we are discipled- not to any system, organization, teaching or individual, but to one man and one man only, the Lord Jesus himself. Discipleship is not without its conditions, though the fulfilling of them lies in the pure grace of God. And although the hardship incurred in discipline is sometimes not pleasant, it is more than compensated for by the fellowship of the Master and the transformation which follows such fellowship. May the Blessed Master encourage many into true discipleship.
Table of Contents
1—The Call of Discipleship
2—The Condition of Discipleship
3—The Consolation of Discipleship